Ingleby Farms & Forests A/S

ABOUT Ingleby Farms & Forests A/S
Our vision is to be world-leading regenerative farmers. We farm to produce good, healthy food, and also to protect the environment for future generations.
As farmers, we play an important part in solving some of the most pressing global challenges we face today. We want to farm with nature – not against it. We believe farming done right can help the planet, and we aim to live up to this task every day, in everything we do.
We apply regenerative farming principles and constantly improve our soil. We preserve and enhance the biodiversity on our farms, and work towards sustainable consumption and production. We treat our people, animals and communities with care and respect. Because the way we choose to farm today echoes for generations. We are long-term owners of land, managing horticulture, pastures, arable and mixed farms in nine countries across four continents. As of June 2023, we own and manage 102,031 hectares worldwide of which we protect 32% as natural habitats, including 2.8% as water habitats.