Address: Str. Sfantul Lazar 37, Parter, A5 700049 Iasi, Romania
Email: info@quartzit.dk
Website: https://quartzit.dk/#contact
QUARTZ:IT ApS is a Danish-owned IT company with its own development department in Romania, city of Iasi. The company has its roots from Danish company Steuerhaus ApS, which was established in 2006, and in the period 2017 to 2023 was owned by Miracle A/S in Denmark.
In the spring of 2023, QUARTZ:IT was established and took over the business. QUARTZ:IT delivers IT solutions in the form of fixed-price projects or consulting work and has over 15 years of experience working with Danish and international customers. As core competencies we are strong on backend and frontend development as well as mobile development and cloud engineering. QUARTZ:IT has also its own app product called “MitFirma”, now in use of several Danish companies.